
Founder of mm2 France, oto6, then from Sixmania. The 6 wheels and more have always been a passion for me. It started in 1980 thanks to a certain Christian de Léotard, you know ?

9 thoughts on “Matra M530 6 wheels – Bernard Cholet – 1980

  1. Hello,
    Concerning the Matra M530 “centipede”, I photographed this week on the low side of a small road near Valognes in the Channel 50, before a break, always in the same state
    I just send you these pictures, please contact me

  2. She is staying for years in a junkyard in Pacé (in adorns 61) every time I went I saw her wither away without being able to do anything. According to a use of case it was made for the competition but his was not successful by the lack of car handling

  3. I found it on a forum…

    About this matra , I think the article is incorrect . I am almost certain that this is the one that has been mounted by a particular name Bernard Chollet in years 70 (I do not think there had in 36!!) .This person is still interested in the car and is a member of the club .it Autobianchi resides in Paris and always ride with a picture of the car in his wallet .

  4. Hello,
    This 530 “Centipede” is that of M. Bernard Cholet Sèvres 92310. I have a photocopy of the CG. This car had to be difficult to drive, already heavy front and with 2 trains to run !! ??
    There is only one.

  5. Hello
    it is quite funny to read the various comments in the vehicle when fantasized history .
    that is why I would like to clarify .
    this car was indeed built by craftsmen by my father Bernard in the family garden 1980 has sèvres 92310 .
    she does 85 centimeters 45 kilos more than the original model .
    she participated in the opening race at odds of Bures 61 in 1980 .
    may have rolled in this configuration it has been stored for long years.

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