The Timeline Motorcycle de Doc’s Harley Davidson – 2009

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Once is not custom, Today we will not talk about a 6 wheels, but just a 4 very special wheels, and yet it is not the main subject of the story ...

The subject is a Harley Davidson training center (private) along with its zoo and its giant BBQ Grill, I called the Doc's Harley Davidson located w2709 State Highway 29 Bonduel, WI 54107, USA, near Green Bay in Lake Michigan.

The place is run by arch-enthusiast Harley Davidson that will provide you a Harley Davidson racing driver training $325. Only bikes are provided, the rest is paid by the student. There is no need to have his license or be major ...
It will not replace the driving license if you do not have, but it will help you have in Wisconsin.
There is also a course $375 to have his license Trike for Wisconsin.

Apart from the very serious courses at Doc's Harley Davidson, there is a museum of cars and classic motorcycles, with a car and some apparently 50ène Harley Davidson, and a small zoo with real animals.

And then there are a lot of attractions, not the best of the best, such a small lake with a lighthouse as the seaside, a drag strip runs with motorcycle, Barbecue and wherein it is possible to cook a whole cow once. There is a smokehouse meat and outstanding cooks, like nowhere else !
If you go you just say their from !! hihi !

But then we talk about what this strange item ?

I still have something nice about this training center, it is there in there a team of revelers who implement cool ideas around the Harley Davidson.
For example in the Grill, every room fans are made of Harley engines with blades, there are several kinds, but also a traveling picnic table, a pirate ship, several odd motorcycles, a locomotive… L & rsquo; inventory of Jacques Prévert…

and finally, the topic at hand, a Harley Davidson 7 engines, 10 places, 2 front steering wheels 2 Rear wheel drive !
In reality it 6 wheels, 2 small training wheels are in the middle of the frame 7,50 meter…

The 7 Engines are all unique, they can work all together (but one is enough), they all contribute to the power of the bike and have a special, they represent the history of Harley Davidson engines, from 1909 until today, hence its name : The Timeline Motorcycle, see detail :

  1. F-Head IOE 1909-1929
  2. Flathead 1928-1948
  3. Knucklehead 1936-1947
  4. Panhead 1948-1965
  5. Shovelhead 1966-1984
  6. Evolution (Blockhead) 1984-1999
  7. Twin Cam (Fathead) ) 1999 until today.


The total displacement is 8790 cm3
The channel measurement more 12,50 meters !
Each engine has its own oil tank
The upper spar contain fuel tank 34 max liters
There is a reserve of fuel in the back
There is 10 handlebars are one director
It is equipped with 2 Solid screw enough crutches
average speed of 80 km/h

Testing shows that the bike may well ride without the stabilizing wheels, but I guess they are required for safety when there 10 people above.

They began to collect the engines were 2008, the chassis has been created in May 2009, the bike was ended 28 July 2009 and August 1 2009 she carried 10 people on American roads !
It goes without saying that the Harley Davidson was presented in all US and abroad also shows.

When she is at rest, its parking spot in the middle of the large room of the Grill BBQ, at the sight of everyone.

Its construction :

Attempts :

The first exit :


Engine start :

The Harley Davidson 4 wheels :

In the Grill :

A visit to their website is needed !


Founder of mm2 France, oto6, then from Sixmania. The 6 wheels and more have always been a passion for me. It started in 1980 thanks to a certain Christian de Léotard, you know ?

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