Supacat ATMP 6×6
Supacat belongs to SC Group. Supacat develops and supports highly mobile military vehicles and provides specialized engineering services to defense customers.
The company is based in England and recently established in Australia. The Supacat ATMP is an ATV 6×6. In 2020 it comes in its 3th version.
It has six permanent drive wheels (6×6) with the four front wheels (two axles) conventionally steered using a rotary handlebar arrangement. These handlebars also activate the steering brakes, which act independently on each side of the vehicle giving the direction of the brakes.
It is totally amphibious, but needs a complementary boat engine to move in the water. There is a flotation kit to improve its lift in water, see the videos at the end of the article.
- Mass 2000 kg (charge)
- Length 3,44 m
- Width 2,03 m (wheel to wheel)
- Height 1,85 m (open – to the top of the retaining frame). 2,01 m (vehicle with cabin)
- 2 crew members
Secondary weapons
- 7,62 mm GPMG
- VW ADE turbocharged diesel diesel engine 1.9
- Maximum torque: 164 N · m 121 ( lbf · ft ) to 1850 tr / me
- Suspension Low pressure tires
- Maximum speed 64 km/h
Visit their website !
A modified Supacat 6X6 MK III was used in the film Brazil