Thomas Poncin VP2025 restoration

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His name is Thomas, he lives in Normandy, of his job that requires travel regularly, he had offered AX 4×4 to never get stuck by the weather, but a winter day is well and truly stuck in a snow drift, forced to admit that his choice was not perfect ...

Then He stood Auto-Journals of his father and began to look for the ideal vehicle crossing. And that's where he fell on the brand Poncin, He searched the Internet, has met SixMania and my page dedicated to Poncin. Then he discovered the Poncin forum and it into his head to find a VP2025 Poncin (one that has a gray map).

special self-newspaper salon 1985 (personal collection)

After some time, he found his dream VP2025. 6×6 had not turned for decades but was only 113 operating hours on the clock and in good condition, a boon.

Nevertheless, before any test, Thomas undertook to inspect more closely, then restore the, history not to have surprises later.
Thomas then set to work, began uncap VP 2025, that is to say remove the seal around it and open it in two, remove the top to access the mechanical.

Poncin The forum is still a model of its kind, he valiantly held by Mr. Gilles Poncin himself, who will comment, advice or direction according to pictures you put there. In some cases it is also ready to move to the site of operations for a more effective aid ! Gilles is a nice character, curious and open, as few remain, I knew several other manufacturers rather focused on withholding information ...

Thomas, on the other hand, is someone exceptional, extremely kind, he had never embarked on such a large mechanical construction. He was assisted by a very competent friend hack and mechanical. He quickly pulled out the cash 2CV engine, took lots of pictures of all.

Then came the dismantling transmissions, of propeller shafts, of the water pump.
The VP will soon be equipped with a new exhaust system in stainless steel, the engine was cleaned and reassembled, and he purrs already. The braking system has also been redone.

Then come tightness tests in a small self-supporting swimming pool (nice idea !) which resulted in the change of ball bearings double row. Reassembly of the last elements, then not very successful first test, coil problems, Fans and ignition ...
Thomas managed to make the register after some adventures, then he mounted new tires, remade rims and installed new propellers.

Unfortunately it will only round in the water with these propellers, it was necessary that they have not reversed, it will be quickly changed.
here, Thomas is now a happy man, flying a superb VP2025 and there is little chance he gets stuck somewhere due to terrain or weather.

I had the opportunity to make some kilometers with him on land and in water, I will keep in fond memories, man and his machine.

Poncin output
WOW ! Mr. Thomas SixMania !


Remember to visit the official website Poncin, right here.

You can also register on the Forum Poncin, right here. and read the full story of the restoration of the VP2025 Thomas.

bonus, the Trailer of Taxi 5, with the VP2025 Thomas

and P2000, a nice video on how to K2000 Thomas


Founder of mm2 France, oto6, then from Sixmania. The 6 wheels and more have always been a passion for me. It started in 1980 thanks to a certain Christian de Léotard, you know ?

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