nature Mobile, 6 wheels and a horse

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Naturmobil is a concept of clean vehicle, moved by the sheer force of a horse. It is a Dubai company that designed to 2008.

The idea is nice but not new, Indeed treadmills old (1880) took advantage of this principle, to operate machinery with a trainer for horse.

In 1942 Martin Liard invented a bus on this principle and applied for a patent.

The sketch will help us to understand how it works :

Step 1 : The horse riding in the vehicle through the back door and is positioned on the treadmill. The horse is harnessed with a safety harness and it is equipped with sensors.

Step 2 : The driver sits in his place and activates the pneumatic system to tilt the treadmill in the up position.

Step 3 : The driver releases the treadmill, what drives the horse to walk.

Step 4 : The energy released by the horse is transmitted through 2 rotary valves which are fixed on a shaft connected to the gearbox and to a small electric motor.

Step 5 : A circular chain drives the clutch which is connected to the main box 36 speeds ! Including a reverse…

Step 6 : From there, energy generated is transmitted to a differential that drives the front wheels of the vehicle.


The plate should be tilted to make it work, it is the weight of the horse that turns the carpet, and the horse being attached, he starts walking.

According to the designer, Naturmobil can reach speeds of up to 80 km / h cruising speed that is quieter, 20 km/h.

What about braking or cornering 80 km/h ? How is run air conditioning for horses ? Many questions remain unanswered, especially as the designer of the website is closed ...

To drain the urine and dung…

The dashboard, friendly !

night practice, because of the heat of the UAE ?

A 3D project, version 4 places…

3D project of a bus 8 wheels and 4 horses… Will have the strength to lift the tray !

That's what a treadmill (1880), with the video that goes well.

Illustration of bus 1942 Martin Liard.

Thank website for explanations.


Founder of mm2 France, oto6, then from Sixmania. The 6 wheels and more have always been a passion for me. It started in 1980 thanks to a certain Christian de Léotard, you know ?

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