You l & rsquo; have noticed, I start the migration of & rsquo; old site, j & rsquo; have in for years at this rate. But OK, at the same time j & rsquo; trying to reorganize things a bit, for example you will find news on & rsquo; history Renault 5 to 6 wheels. Really new, of Monsieur Leotard himself, exclusively on SixMania.fr !
If you want to track otherwise this new adventure and at the same time, find myself, I invite you to ask me as a friend on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/marc.simonnet. That will probably eventually j & rsquo; opens a dedicated page on Facebook, but I don & rsquo; have not much time for now. If one or more of you want to take charge, no problem ! In French or English.
For ads, if you have a vehicle 6 wheels (or more) for sale, or are looking for a, n & rsquo; not hesitate to m & rsquo; write marc@sixmania.fr, c & rsquo; s free, and the site will / is much visited by enthusiasts. Takes time for anyone to know, but I & rsquo; have faith, many d & rsquo; m between you & rsquo; have repeatedly requested to continue the site, that's done !
I thought I would only reopen the site when I retired, but as my status changed to, j & rsquo; d & rsquo have changed; review. I still work for a few years, but I no longer leaves fall, j & rsquo; wait that everything is back in place and that the community works.
Good visit, reviewing, c & rsquo; is open to all, note, share, criticize, thank you !!