The end of the R5 Turbo 6 Christian wheels Leotard (3/3)
- See as well R5 Turbo (1/3)
- See as well the remnants of the R5 Turbo (2/3)
It's the 11 July 2020 that we have all learned the sad news of the end of the R5 Turbo 6 Christian de Léotard's wheels on the Sixmania Facebook group. Christopher P came for a check-up following local news that the Lormes garage would be destroyed. (58140) where our R5 Turbo 6 was stored×6 National.
What was his surprise when he saw that most of the cars had been removed and that the R5 Turbo – which was above an open pit – had been pulled forward and ended up falling apart completely. On the spot some rusty pieces of bodywork were still present that day, a whole wheel with its shock absorber, the tailgate too.
Many of you were on the alert to try to recover this car, everyone is now very disappointed.
A single observation, a priori the Town Hall of Lormes (58140) was well aware of the existence of historically significant cars in the history of the automobile, as much as she did not help anyone get her out of there before the garage was destroyed.
The story doesn’t quite end there in the sense that one of my friends absolutely wanted to officially retrieve the few remaining pieces, he quickly got back in touch with the Town Hall who asked him to wait for a decision from the Municipal Council because they cannot rule for the moment, we obviously don't know why.
And the weekend following this horrible discovery, people came to steal most of the last pieces that were left on the ground without any authorization…
For those who might still be interested, this garage was located at 74 road from Avallon to Lormes (58140). The garage is probably already destroyed, I do not encourage you on the pilgrimage, know that there are other cars by Christian de Léotard that are still not found, let's continue the research !
To close the subject of the R5 Turbo 6×6 by Christian de Léotard, my friend Alexandre gave me an article that explains the history of the fire…
It's all stupid all the same.