La FAB 1 original Thunderbirds
La FAB 1 is the car of Lady Penelope Thunderbirds Film (The Thunderbirds), an animated television series created by British Sylvia and Gerry Anderson. A series of 32 episodes 50 minute broadcast between 1965 and 1966 on ITV1 in England. The series aired in the late 60 in Quebec, and from 1976 in France. in Sixmania, you can find 2 articles on the real FAB 1, right here and right here !
La FAB 1 is a well-known car by its characteristics. It is a pink Rolls Royce equipped with an oblique grille, to 6 drive wheels which 4 directional front and surmounted by a bubble roof. his driver, Parker, the driver on a front center seat, and a bench is present to accommodate passengers in the rear. It is full of gadgets, lance-missiles, machine guns, radars, it is amphibious and sometimes she flies !
Derek Meddings, creator of the FAB 1 inter alia.
A base, FAB 1 is a scale model of the son puppets used for the series. In reality, she is against plywood and measurement 2,10 meters. It was designed in 1964 by Derek Meddings team, visual effects supervisor, and cost 2.500,00 £ back then, is around 42.000 € today. The construction of the model was supervised by Rolls-Royce, which accounts for the wide grille. Given its fragility and its price, special procedures had been put in place during filming.
Exclusive and unique (06/01/2006)
2 video design of the FAB 1 and trials that followed :
Thunderbirds (in French) or The Thunderbirds (in Quebec !)
You may remember Thunderbirds, a television series, with animated puppets, happens to them all sorts of terrible adventures. this Rolls (Fab 1) comes from there.
I am inspired me greatly in my drawings
There's no, she is cool. It exists in model, in Corgy-Toys I think, 1 / 43th
The burst
Some details of the interior
Un version Corgy-toys
La version Dinky Toys
And to think that my little cousin had
She pulled missiles by the grille !
Dinky but still a mess…
The spat back arrows
Version radiocommandée…
A model all metal
profile, She is so tiny.
The box !
And now an extraordinary document : how to make the model itself in FAB1 !!!
It's your turn !!!
Few pictures yet…
And a 3D version. We must adapt to MM2 !!!!
Some new images (11/12/2006)
Detail of the RC
Thank you to Steve Watts for these new images (28/09/2014)
There were also cartoons, Marvel genre with FAB 1
very local version of the FAB1 ! (11/12/2006)
Fake, what would be the new version of the FAB1 (11/12/2006)