ARO 6 wheels

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La Marque ARO (Human Automobiles) born after the second world war.
In 1957 , a version of a light field while trying to resemble the American Jeep is born.

ARO regis laborde n1

(CF photo tiré de , photo Régis Laborde)

While surfing the net , I chanced upon a release Aro 6 wheels…. Determined to find out a little more , I contact Werner on the Aro site who replied kindly …

He replied (translated from German by myself)..

The ARO version 6 wheels was built by the brand ARO itself , it is a version 6×4 tow truck. A series of 15 was created for the DACIA network , Dacia before being returned by the Renault group .
Top version or with loading crane, 10 copies were built to order only .The engine is a turbo diesel Polish , 2417 cc and 87 ch.
It is produced by ARO against the gearbox 5 speeds.(CF picture tow.)

depanneuse Version

Werner also searched the net , and discovered another version of ARO 6 wheels.
He thinks that this version was produced in France against ..



From my side I tried to contact auto forum of people who commented… But to date no answer

So if anyone knows the (or recognizes), or if someone has information about this ARO 6 wheels, that contact us via the website…
We will share your information with your agreement ….

Other ARO

Homilius Aro1 6×6 (21/11/2006)

Cathy Garnier

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